Sunday, December 13, 2009

Trying to get closer to God?

Years ago I took a call that I was sure was what we call "bogus" or unfounded. How in the world can someone take an electric drill and drill a hole in their forehead and still be coherrent enough to walk around and talk? Back in time, when the ratio of land line phones to cell phones were just the opposite of what it is now. Back when just the elite had cell phones. Now adays everybodys got cell phones and use them at their house too... this posing a real problem to 911 operators who are trying to get them the timely help that is very much needed, with modern technology, this is not as great as a problem as it used to be. So, I got a call from a cell phone who told me I wasn't going to believe this, the caller said if they hadn't been there they certainly wouldn't. I thought, Ok, this should be good! The caller then went on to tell me they were just at their friends house and the patient had drilled a hole in their head with an electric drill. OK, I thought this is the call of calls, the one you have to share! So we send the crews lights and sirens, you never know if this is a true emergency or not! The crews arrive on scene to a patient holding their hand on their forehead with an obviously bloody tissue. They look and sure enough, a hole right in the middle of their forehead! The patient was being very neat and blotted the wound with a tissue, as was evident by the bowl of of tissues on the dining room table, and also was dipping the drill bit in a glass of bloody water to clean it off (complete with brain matter!). The chief who arrived on scene, told me later that he looked and noticed a ring around the hole, told the patient, I see the hole but what is that ring around it? That was where the chuck of the drill was hitting the patients head! The chief checked and let me know later that the drill bit had just cleared both halves of the patients brain fortunately for the patient not hitting any major parts of the brain. As is with most of the calls we take, I never heard the outcome of this patient.

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